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HVRS Solutions LLC is not a law firm, its owners, and employees are not attorneys and cannot furnish legal counsel, draft court documents or pleadings, interpret, try or represent cases before courts, executive departments, administrative bureaus or agencies, or give advice with respect to the law.

The information provided by HVRS Solutions LLC be it in part or whole is purely designed for informational purposes only, under no circumstances should you wholly or in part consider it as an attorney advice.

We encourage our clients to check and confirm their individual situation with a suitably qualified attorney.

HVRS Solutions LLC shall in no way be held responsible for any liability arising from any interaction as a result of information obtained from HVRS Solutions LLC howsoever incurred. We are not lawyers, nor do we give or provide any legal advice whatsoever.


Information Disclaimer: The information provided by HVRS Solutions LLC is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a definitive legal resource and must not be constructed as professional legal advice. Any such actions by Client are undertaken solely at the risk of the Client.

HVRS Solutions LLC is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship, because we are not attorneys and HVRS Solutions LLC is not a law firm. Although we may review any documents for typographical errors and proofread documents prior to delivery, Client is ultimately responsible for correcting any and all errors in documents. At no time do we review Client’s answers for legal sufficiency, draw legal conclusions, provide legal advice, or apply the law to the facts of Client’s particular situation. HVRS Solutions LLC and its services are not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.

If Client needs legal advice for a specific problem, or if the specific problem is complex, Client should consult a licensed attorney.

Tampa, FL 33607

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